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2023-05-28 11:44:55 +02:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditor;
#if RPGTalk_TMP
using TMPro;
namespace RPGTALK.Helper
[AddComponentMenu("Seize Studios/RPGTalk/Helper/RPGTalk Helper")]
public class RPGTalkHelper : MonoBehaviour {
public static void CopyTextParameters(Object original, Object copy)
if (original is Text)
CopyTextParameters(original as Text, copy as Text);
#if RPGTalk_TMP
if(original is TextMeshProUGUI)
CopyTextParameters(original as TextMeshProUGUI, copy as TextMeshProUGUI);
public static void CopyTextParameters(Text original, Text copy){
//Replace every public option of the new text with the ancient one
copy.text = original.text;
copy.font = original.font;
copy.fontStyle = original.fontStyle;
copy.fontSize = original.fontSize;
copy.lineSpacing = original.lineSpacing;
copy.supportRichText = original.supportRichText;
copy.alignment = original.alignment;
copy.alignByGeometry = original.alignByGeometry;
copy.horizontalOverflow = original.horizontalOverflow;
copy.verticalOverflow = original.verticalOverflow;
copy.resizeTextForBestFit = original.resizeTextForBestFit;
copy.color = original.color;
copy.material = original.material;
copy.raycastTarget = original.raycastTarget;
#if RPGTalk_TMP
public static void CopyTextParameters(TextMeshProUGUI original, TextMeshProUGUI copy)
//Replace every public option of the new text with the ancient one
copy.text = original.text;
copy.font = original.font;
copy.fontStyle = original.fontStyle;
copy.fontSize = original.fontSize;
copy.lineSpacing = original.lineSpacing;
copy.richText = original.richText;
copy.alignment = original.alignment;
copy.horizontalMapping = original.horizontalMapping;
copy.verticalMapping = original.verticalMapping;
copy.enableAutoSizing = original.enableAutoSizing;
copy.color = original.color;
copy.material = original.material;
copy.raycastTarget = original.raycastTarget;
copy.enableWordWrapping = original.enableWordWrapping;
copy.wordWrappingRatios = original.wordWrappingRatios;
copy.overflowMode = original.overflowMode;
public static int CountRichTextCharacters(string line){
int richTextCount = 0;
//check for any rich text
if (line.IndexOf('<') != -1) {
bool thereIsRichTextLeft = true;
//repeat for as long as we find a tag
while (thereIsRichTextLeft) {
int inicialBracket = line.IndexOf ('<');
int finalBracket = line.IndexOf ('>');
//Here comes the tricky part... First check if there is any '<' before a '>'
if (inicialBracket < finalBracket) {
//Ok, there is! It should be a tag. Let's count every char inside of it
richTextCount += finalBracket-inicialBracket+1;
//Good! Now finaly, remove it from the original text
string textWithoutRichText = line.Substring (0, inicialBracket);
textWithoutRichText += line.Substring (finalBracket + 1);
line = textWithoutRichText;
} else {
thereIsRichTextLeft = false;
return richTextCount;
public static int CountRPGTalkTagCharacters(string line){
int tagCount = 0;
//check for any rich text
if (line.IndexOf('[') != -1) {
bool thereAreTagsLeft = true;
//repeat for as long as we find a tag
while (thereAreTagsLeft) {
int inicialBracket = line.IndexOf ('[');
int finalBracket = line.IndexOf (']');
//Here comes the tricky part... First check if there is any '[' before a ']'
if (inicialBracket < finalBracket) {
//Ok, there is! It should be a tag. Let's count every char inside of it
tagCount += finalBracket-inicialBracket+1;
//Good! Now finaly, remove it from the original text
string textWithoutTag = line.Substring (0, inicialBracket);
textWithoutTag += line.Substring (finalBracket + 1);
line = textWithoutTag;
} else {
thereAreTagsLeft = false;
return tagCount;
[MenuItem("RPGTalk/Create RPGTalk/Base Instance")]
private static void CreateRPGTalkBase()
GameObject newGO = new GameObject ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTalk> ();
newGO.name = "RPGTalk Holder";
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (newGO, "Create RPGTalk");
[MenuItem("RPGTalk/Create RPGTalk/With Dub Sound")]
private static void CreateRPGTalkWithDub()
GameObject newGO = new GameObject ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTalk> ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTALK.Dub.RPGTalkDubSounds> ();
newGO.name = "RPGTalk Holder & Dub";
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (newGO, "Create RPGTalk");
[MenuItem("RPGTalk/Create RPGTalk/With Timeline")]
private static void CreateRPGTalkWithTimeline()
GameObject newGO = new GameObject ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTalk> ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTALK.Timeline.RPGTalkTimeline> ();
newGO.name = "RPGTalk Holder & Timeline";
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (newGO, "Create RPGTalk");
[MenuItem("RPGTalk/Create RPGTalk/With Dub and Timeline")]
private static void CreateRPGTalkWithDubTimeline()
GameObject newGO = new GameObject ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTalk> ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTALK.Dub.RPGTalkDubSounds> ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTALK.Timeline.RPGTalkTimeline> ();
newGO.name = "RPGTalk Holder & Dub & Timeline";
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (newGO, "Create RPGTalk");
[MenuItem("RPGTalk/Create RPGTalk Area")]
private static void CreateRPGTalkArea()
GameObject newGO = new GameObject ();
if (EditorSettings.defaultBehaviorMode == EditorBehaviorMode.Mode2D) {
BoxCollider2D newBox = newGO.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D> ();
newBox.size = new Vector2 (1, 1);
newBox.isTrigger = true;
} else {
BoxCollider newBox = newGO.AddComponent<BoxCollider> ();
newBox.size = new Vector3 (1, 1, 1);
newBox.isTrigger = true;
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTalkArea> ();
newGO.name = "RPGTalk Area";
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (newGO, "Create RPGTalk Area");
[MenuItem("RPGTalk/Create RPGTalk Localization")]
private static void CreateRPGTalkLocalization()
GameObject newGO = new GameObject ();
newGO.AddComponent<RPGTALK.Localization.RPGTalkLocalization> ();
newGO.name = "RPGTalk Localization";
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo (newGO, "Create RPGTalk Localization");
//this class has every dialog (line) that need to be show
public class RpgtalkElement {
public bool hasDialog = false;
public bool allowPlayerAdvance = true;
public string speakerName;
public string originalSpeakerName;
public string dialogText;
public string expression;
public override string ToString () {
return "(" + this.hasDialog + ")" + this.speakerName + "::" + this.dialogText + "\n";
//A class to be the variables a text could have
public class RPGTalkVariable{
public string variableName;
public string variableValue;
//A class to keep any rich text used
public class RPGTalkRichText{
public int lineWithTheRichText;
public int initialTagPosition;
public string initialTag;
public int finalTagPosition;
public string finalTag;
//A class to keep any sprite used inside the text
public class RPGTalkSprite{
public Sprite sprite;
public int lineWithSprite = -1;
public int spritePosition = -1;
public float width = 1;
public float height = 1;
public bool alreadyInPlace;
public RuntimeAnimatorController animator;
//A class to keep any dub used inside the text
public class RPGTalkDub{
public int dubNumber;
public int lineWithDub = -1;
//A class to keep any speed changes used inside the text
public class RPGTalkSpeed{
public int speed = 0;
public int lineWithSpeed = -1;
public int speedPosition = -1;
public bool alreadyGone;
//A class to keep any question used inside the text
public class RPGTalkQuestion{
public string questionID;
public int lineWithQuestion = -1;
public bool alreadyHappen;
public List<string> choices = new List<string>();
//A class to keep the targets that the canvas can follow
public class RPGTalkCharacterSettings{
[Tooltip("What is the Character that those settings represent?")]
public RPGTalkCharacter character;
[Tooltip("Who to follow?")]
public Transform follow;
[Tooltip("If he is following someone, should there be an offset?")]
public Vector3 followOffset;
[Tooltip("The animations should happen in a different Animator than the one set on RPGTalk?")]
public Animator animatorOverwrite;
public class RPGtalkSaveStatement
public string lineToStart;
public string lineToBreak;
public string savedData;
public int modifier;
//A class to keep any jitter used inside the text
public class RPGTalkJitter
public float angle = 1;
public float jitter = 1;
public int lineWithJitter = -1;
public int jitterPosition = -1;
public bool alreadyGone;
public int numberOfCharacters = 1;