using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using RPGTALK.Texts;
using RPGTALK.Helper;
using RPGTALK.Localization;
using RPGTALK.Dub;
using RPGTALK.Snippets;
[AddComponentMenu("Seize Studios/RPGTalk/RPGTalk")]
public class RPGTalk : MonoBehaviour {
/// Should the talk be initiated when the script starts?
public bool startOnAwake = true;
/// An array of objects that will be shown or hidden with the text.
/// Usually, the canvas with the text UI is set here.
public GameObject[] showWithDialog;
/// The object setted by the user to see if we can obtain a TMP_Translator out of it
public GameObject textUIObj;
/// The UI element that holds a Text component. TMP_Translator deal with differences in regular UI to TMP
public TMP_Translator textUI;
/// This dialog have the name of the talker? The dialoger?
public bool dialoger;
/// The object setted by the user to see if we can obtain a TMP_Translator out of it
public GameObject dialogerObj;
/// To show the name of the talker, another UI. TMP_Translater deal with differences in regular UI to TMP
public TMP_Translator dialogerUI;
/// Should the element follow someone?
public bool shouldFollow;
/// Who am I currently following
public Transform following;
/// With what offset am I following someone
public Vector3 followingOffset;
/// The objects in showWithDialog should be Billboard?
public bool billboard = true;
/// If billboard is set to true, should it be based on the main camera?
public bool mainCamera = true;
/// If billboard is set to true but not the mainCamera, should it be based on what camera?
public Camera otherCamera;
/// The text file that contains all the talks to be parsed.
public TextAsset txtToParse;
/// If the player hits the intercation button, should the text be skipped to the end?
public bool enableQuickSkip = true;
/// You can assign events to be called when the talk ends
public UnityEvent callback;
/// An animator that some parameters can be set by RPGTalk to help animating while the talk is running
public Animator animatorWhenTalking;
/// The actual animator. This can be different from animatorWhenTalking if this options was set on the Character Settings option.
public Animator actualAnimator;
/// Name of a boolean property in the animatorWhenTalking that will be set to true when the text is running.
public string animatorBooleanName;
/// Name of an int property in animator that represents the talker (based on the characters array).
public string animatorIntName;
/// Wich position of the talk are we?
public int cutscenePosition = 0;
/// Speed of the text, in characters per second
public float textSpeed = 50.0f;
/// wich character of the current line are we?
public float currentChar = 0.0f;
/// a list with every element of the Talk. Each element is a line on the text
public List rpgtalkElements;
/// An array that can contain any variable and what is its value to be replaced in the talk
public RPGTalkVariable[] variables;
/// Should there be photos of the dialogers?
public bool shouldUsePhotos;
/// A list of all Characters available in the talks with settings of stuff that should be on the scene
public RPGTalkCharacterSettings[] characters;
/// An UI element with the Image property that the photo should be applied to
public Image UIPhoto;
/// The dialog and everything in showWithDialog should stay on screen even if the text has ended?
public bool shouldStayOnScreen;
//Are we expecting a click?
bool lookForClick = true;
/// Audio to be played while the character is talking
public AudioClip textAudio;
/// Audio to be played when player passes the Talk
public AudioClip passAudio;
//The AudioSource that will be used to play the SFXs above
AudioSource rpgAudioSorce;
/// Pass the text with mouse Click?
public bool passWithMouse = true;
/// Pass the text with some button set on Project Settings > Input
public string passWithInputButton;
/// What is the key that should be used to interact? You can override the Update function and write your
/// own conditions, if needed
public KeyCode passWithKey = KeyCode.None;
/// The user can currently pass the talk?
public bool enablePass = true;
/// Should the talk pass itself?
public bool autoPass = false;
/// How many seconds should RPGTalk wait after the animation stopped to autoPass
public float secondsAutoPass = 3f;
/// Line to start reading the text. Should not be below 1.
/// Can be a string that the RPGTalk will look for in the text by the pattern [title=MyString]
public string lineToStart = "1";
/// Line to stop reading the text. If it is -1 it will read until the end of the file.
/// Can be a string that the RPGTalk will look for in the text by the pattern [title=MyString]
public string lineToBreak = "-1";
//After some calculations, keep the actual line to start or break
private int actualLineToStart;
private int actualLineToBreak;
/// Should the RPGTalk try to break long lines into several little ones?
public bool wordWrap = true;
/// If wordWrap is set to true, RPGTalk will only accept a line with maxCharInWidth * maxCharInHeight characters.
/// If the line in the text passes it, it will be broken into another line.
public int maxCharInWidth = 50;
/// If wordWrap is set to true, RPGTalk will only accept a line with maxCharInWidth * maxCharInHeight characters.
/// If the line in the text passes it, it will be broken into another line.
public int maxCharInHeight = 4;
//Any RichTexts around here?
private List richText;
private List unclosedTags;
/// The sprites that can be used in this talk
public List sprites;
/// The sprites that are being used in this talk
public List spritesUsed;
/// The sprite atlas from Text Mesh Pro that should be used in the text
public string tmpSpriteAtlas = "Default Sprite Asset";
//Any dubs around here?
List dubs;
RPGTalkDubSounds dubSounds;
//Any speed changes around here?
List speeds;
//Any questions around here?
List questions;
//Any jitter changes around here?
List jitters;
Coroutine jitterRoutine;
/// The actual speed that the text will be scrolled. This usually is equal to textSpeed
/// but can be changed within the text with the [speed=X] tag
public float actualTextSpeed;
//Event to be called when a New Talk Start
public delegate void NewTalkAction();
public event NewTalkAction OnNewTalk;
//Event to be called when RPGTalk play next line in the talk
public delegate void PlayNextAction();
public event PlayNextAction OnPlayNext;
//Event to be called when a talk ends
public delegate void EndTalkAction();
public event EndTalkAction OnEndTalk;
//Event to be called when a line finish animating
public delegate void EndAnimatingAction();
public event EndAnimatingAction OnEndAnimating;
/// Is the RPGTalk currently playing the text?
public bool isPlaying;
/// Is the RPGTalk currently animating the text?
public bool isAnimating;
/// The prefab of a Button that will be the choice in case of questions in the text
public GameObject choicePrefab;
/// A parent that each choice will be instantiated to in case of questions
public Transform choicesParent;
//Event to be called when a it play next line in the talk
public delegate void MadeAChoiceAction(string questionID, int choiceNumber);
public event MadeAChoiceAction OnMadeChoice;
/// The Expression that this character is expressing
public Expression expressing;
//if we will change talks in the middle our talk, these variables will be set
string changeToStart;
string changeToBreak;
List saves;
/// The RPGTalkSaveInstance element, if there is any
public RPGTalkSaveInstance saveInstance;
/// Sometimes the line to start and break may be changing during a talk. With this option marked, end the talk finish it will return to the original ones
public bool goBackToOriginalStartAndBreak = true;
string originalLineToStart;
string originalLineToBreak;
void Start(){
//Get the TMP_Translate Object
textUI = new TMP_Translator(textUIObj);
if (dialogerObj != null)
dialogerUI = new TMP_Translator(dialogerObj);
//If it is set to start on awake, start it! If not, make sure that we hide anything that shouldn't be there
if (startOnAwake) {
NewTalk ();
} else {
foreach (GameObject GO in showWithDialog) {
GO.SetActive (false);
saveInstance = GetComponent();
//Change txtToParse to be the correct for other language
TextAsset CheckCurrentLanguage(){
if (RPGTalkLocalization.singleton != null) {
return RPGTalkLocalization.singleton.CheckForCorrectLanguage (txtToParse);
return txtToParse;
void CreateAudioSource()
AudioSource aS = gameObject.GetComponent();
if (aS && aS.clip == textAudio)
rpgAudioSorce = aS;
rpgAudioSorce = gameObject.AddComponent();
#region newtalk
/// Before start a New Talk, change the values
/// Line to start reading the text.
/// Line to stop reading the text.
public void NewTalk(string _lineToStart,string _lineToBreak){
lineToStart = _lineToStart;
lineToBreak = _lineToBreak;
NewTalk ();
/// Before start a New Talk, change the values
/// Line to start reading the text.
/// Line to stop reading the text.
/// Text to read from
public void NewTalk(string _lineToStart,string _lineToBreak,TextAsset _txtToParse){
lineToStart = _lineToStart;
lineToBreak = _lineToBreak;
txtToParse = _txtToParse;
NewTalk ();
/// Before start a New Talk, change the values
/// Line to start reading the text.
/// Line to stop reading the text.
/// Text to read from
/// Events to be called when the talk ends
public void NewTalk(string _lineToStart,string _lineToBreak,TextAsset _txtToParse, UnityEvent _callback){
lineToStart = _lineToStart;
lineToBreak = _lineToBreak;
txtToParse = _txtToParse;
callback = _callback;
NewTalk ();
/// Starts a new Talk.
public void NewTalk(){
//call the event
if(OnNewTalk != null){
OnNewTalk ();
//Check if we are using the right txtToParse based on the language
TextAsset internalTxtToParse = CheckCurrentLanguage ();
//check if we have the dubsounds component on
if (dubSounds == null) {
dubSounds = GetComponent ();
//save the original lines to start and break if we want to revert to them later
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalLineToStart))
originalLineToStart = lineToStart;
originalLineToBreak = lineToBreak;
//reduce one for the line to Start and break, if they were ints
//return the default lines to -2 if they were not ints
if (int.TryParse (lineToStart, out actualLineToStart)) {
actualLineToStart -= 1;
} else {
actualLineToStart = -2;
if (int.TryParse (lineToBreak, out actualLineToBreak)) {
if (lineToBreak != "-1") {
actualLineToBreak -= 1;
} else {
actualLineToBreak = -2;
if (textAudio != null) {
if (rpgAudioSorce == null) {
lookForClick = true;
//reset positions
cutscenePosition = 1;
currentChar = 0;
//create a new CutsCeneElement
rpgtalkElements = new List();
//Resets the Rich Texts list
richText = new List ();
//If there was any unclosed tags... Reset it
unclosedTags = new List();
//if there was any sprites used... reset it
spritesUsed = new List();
CleanDirtySprites ();
//if there was any speeds used... reset it
speeds = new List();
//if there was any dubs used... reset it
dubs = new List();
//if there was any questions used... reset it
questions = new List();
//the speed at the start is the default
actualTextSpeed = textSpeed;
//Zero saves
saves = new List();
//The jitters that could be in this lines
jitters = new List();
//resets any text that might have been left from previous talks
if(textUI == null)
if(textUIObj == null)
Debug.LogError("You need to set an UI Element to be the text!");
textUI = new TMP_Translator(textUIObj);
if(internalTxtToParse != null) {
// read the TXT file into the elements list
StringReader reader = new StringReader (internalTxtToParse.text);
string line = reader.ReadLine();
int currentLine = 0;
if(line == null)
Debug.LogError("There was an error reading your file! Check your encoding settings.");
while (line != null) {
//if the lineToStart or lineToBreak were strings, find out what line they actually were
if (actualLineToStart == -2) {
if (line.IndexOf("[title="+lineToStart+"]") != -1) {
actualLineToStart = currentLine+1;
} else {
line = reader.ReadLine();
if (actualLineToBreak == -2) {
if (line.IndexOf("[title="+lineToBreak+"]") != -1) {
actualLineToBreak = currentLine-1;
if (currentLine >= actualLineToStart) {
if (actualLineToBreak < 0 || currentLine <= actualLineToBreak) {
//If this line was a choice, we don't want to keep track of it
if (LookForChoices (line)) {
line = reader.ReadLine();
//If this line was a save, we don't want to keep track of it
if (LookForSave(line))
line = reader.ReadLine();
if (wordWrap) {
CheckIfTheTextFits (line);
} else {
rpgtalkElements.Add (readSceneElement (line));
} else {
line = reader.ReadLine();
if(rpgtalkElements.Count == 0){
Debug.LogError ("The Line To Start and the Line To Break are not fit for the given TXT");
//After reading all the elements in the talk, let's check if the text should be ready to fit some sprites
if (textUIObj.GetComponent () != null) {
textUIObj.GetComponent ().RepopulateImages ();
//show what need to be shown
if (dialoger) {
if (dialogerObj) {
for (int i = 0; i < showWithDialog.Length; i++) {
//Set the speaker name and photo
if (dialoger) {
if (dialogerObj) {
dialogerUI.ChangeTextTo(rpgtalkElements [0].speakerName);
if (shouldUsePhotos) {
for (int i = 0; i < characters.Length; i++) {
//If we fond the character that is talking
if (characters[i].character.dialoger == rpgtalkElements [0].originalSpeakerName) {
//Change its photo
if (UIPhoto) {
UIPhoto.sprite = characters [i];
//Change its animator
if(characters[i].animatorOverwrite != null)
actualAnimator = characters[i].animatorOverwrite;
actualAnimator = animatorWhenTalking;
//animate it
if (actualAnimator && animatorIntName != ""){
actualAnimator.SetInteger (animatorIntName, i);
//Check if and who the elements should follow
CheckWhoToFollow (rpgtalkElements [0]);
//check if there should be any dubs in this line
//check if we are expressing something
expressing = IsExpressing(rpgtalkElements[0]);
//if we have an animator.. play it
//check if after this line we should start another talk
rpgtalkElements[0].dialogText = LookForNewTalk(rpgtalkElements[0].dialogText);
isPlaying = true;
isAnimating = true;
private RpgtalkElement readSceneElement(string line) {
RpgtalkElement newElement = new RpgtalkElement();
newElement.originalSpeakerName = line;
//replace any variable that may exist on the text
for (int i = 0; i < variables.Length; i++) {
if (line.Contains (variables[i].variableName)) {
line = line.Replace (variables[i].variableName, variables[i].variableValue);
//If we want to show the dialoger's name, slipt the line at the ':'
if (dialoger) {
if (line.IndexOf (':') != -1) {
string[] splitLine = line.Split (new char[] { ':' }, 2);
newElement.speakerName = splitLine [0].Trim ();
//newElement.dialogText = LookForRichTexts(splitLine [1].Trim ());
line = splitLine [1].Trim ();
string[] originalSplitLine = newElement.originalSpeakerName.Split (new char[] { ':' },2);
newElement.originalSpeakerName = originalSplitLine [0].Trim ();
//Check for any question that should come along with the text
line = LookForQuestions(line);
//Check for any dubs that should come along with the text
line = LookForDubs (line);
//Check for any speed changes that should be on the text
line = LookForSpeed(line);
//Check for any sprites that should be on the text
line = LookForSprites (line);
//Check for any expressions to play with the text
newElement.expression = LookForExpression(line);
line = LookForExpression(line, true);
//Check for any jitters on the text
line = LookForJitter(line);
//Check for any rich texts on the text
line = LookForRichTexts(line);
//Finally apply the text to the new element
newElement.dialogText = line;
newElement.hasDialog = true;
return newElement;
#region sprites
private void CheckTextUIScript(){
//If we are using sprites inside the text, the regular Text script need to be changed.
if (textUIObj.GetComponent () == null && textUI.hasUIText) {
//Lets create a copy of the Text that the user created
GameObject tempGO = new GameObject ();
ITextWithIcon newText = textUI.AddTextWithIconComponent(tempGO);
RPGTalkHelper.CopyTextParameters (textUI.GetTextObject(), newText as Object);
//now remove the previous one
//finally, add the new text to the ancient Game Object
textUI = new TMP_Translator( textUIObj);
textUIObj.GetComponent ().rpgtalk = this;
RPGTalkHelper.CopyTextParameters (newText as Object, textUI.GetTextObject());
Destroy (tempGO);
private string LookForSprites(string line){
//check if the user have some sprites and the line asks for one
if (sprites.Count > 0 && line.IndexOf("[sprite=")!=-1 && line.IndexOf("]",line.IndexOf("[sprite="))!= -1) {
bool thereAreSpritesLeft = true;
//There is at least one sprite in this line! Let's check if our UI uses the correct script
//repeat as long as we find a sprite
while (thereAreSpritesLeft) {
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf ("[sprite=");
int finalBracket = -1;
if (initialBracket != -1) {
finalBracket = line.IndexOf ("]", initialBracket);
//There still are any '[sprite=' and it is before a ']'?
if (initialBracket < finalBracket) {
//Ok, new sprite around! Let's get its number
int spriteNum = -1;
//Check if the number was a valid int
if (int.TryParse (line.Substring (initialBracket + 8, finalBracket - (initialBracket + 8)), out spriteNum) &&
sprites.Count > spriteNum) {
//Change the line differently if we have TMP
line = textUI.GetCorrectSpriteLine(line, ref sprites, ref spritesUsed, spriteNum, initialBracket, finalBracket, rpgtalkElements.Count, tmpSpriteAtlas);
} else {
Debug.LogWarning ("Found a [sprite=x] variable in the text but something is wrong with it. Check The spelling and check if the number used exists in the 'Sprites' section");
thereAreSpritesLeft = false;
} else {
thereAreSpritesLeft = false;
return line;
void CleanDirtySprites()
if (textUI == null)
foreach (Transform child in textUIObj.transform)
if (textUIObj.GetComponent() != null)
//Tries to force image to be put on the text. If it cant, wait half a second so that the text mesh can be updated
IEnumerator TryToPutImageOnText(int spriteToUse)
spritesUsed[spriteToUse].alreadyInPlace = textUIObj.GetComponent().FitImagesOnText(spriteToUse);
if (!spritesUsed[spriteToUse].alreadyInPlace)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
if (spritesUsed[spriteToUse].lineWithSprite == cutscenePosition - 1)
spritesUsed[spriteToUse].alreadyInPlace = textUIObj.GetComponent().FitImagesOnText(spriteToUse);
yield return null;
#region dubs
private string LookForDubs(string line){
//check if the user have some dubs and the line asks for one
if (line.IndexOf("[dub=")!=-1 && line.IndexOf("]",line.IndexOf("[dub="))!= -1) {
bool thereAreDubsLeft = true;
//repeat as long as we find a dub
while (thereAreDubsLeft) {
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf ("[dub=");
int finalBracket = -1;
if (initialBracket != -1) {
finalBracket = line.IndexOf ("]", initialBracket);
//There still are any '[dub=' and it is before a ']'?
if (initialBracket < finalBracket) {
//Ok, new dub around! Let's get its number
int dubNum = -1;
//Check if the number was a valid int
if (int.TryParse (line.Substring (initialBracket + 5, finalBracket - (initialBracket + 5)), out dubNum)) {
//Neat, we definely have a dub with a valid number. Time to keep track of it
RPGTalkDub newDub = new RPGTalkDub();
newDub.dubNumber = dubNum;
//Make sure that the the sprite only work for that next line to be added to RpgTalkElements
newDub.lineWithDub = rpgtalkElements.Count;
dubs.Add (newDub);
//Looking good! We found out that a dub should be there and we are already keeping track of it
//But now we should remove the [dub=X] from the line.
line = line.Substring(0,initialBracket) +
} else {
Debug.LogWarning ("Found a [dub=x] variable in the text but something is wrong with it. Check The spelling");
thereAreDubsLeft = false;
} else {
thereAreDubsLeft = false;
return line;
void CheckDubsInThisLine()
for (int i = 0; i < dubs.Count; i++)
if (dubs[i].lineWithDub == cutscenePosition - 1)
if (dubSounds == null)
Debug.LogError("A dub was found in this line but there is no RPGTalkDubSounds component added to the object");
#region questions
private string LookForQuestions(string line){
//check if the user have some question and the line asks for one
if (line.IndexOf("[question=")!=-1 && line.IndexOf("]",line.IndexOf("[question="))!= -1) {
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf ("[question=");
int finalBracket = line.IndexOf ("]", initialBracket);
//Ok, new question around! Let's get its id
string questionID = line.Substring(initialBracket + 10, finalBracket - (initialBracket + 10));
if (questionID.Length > 0) {
//Neat, we definely have a question with a valid number. Time to keep track of it
RPGTalkQuestion newQuestion = new RPGTalkQuestion();
newQuestion.questionID = questionID;
newQuestion.lineWithQuestion = rpgtalkElements.Count;
questions.Add (newQuestion);
//Looking good! We found out that a question should be there and we are already keeping track of it
//But now we should remove the [question=X] from the line.
line = line.Substring(0,initialBracket) +
} else {
Debug.LogWarning ("Found a [question=x] variable in the text but something is wrong with it. Check The spelling");
return line;
public bool LookForChoices(string line){
//check if the user have some choice and the line asks for one
if (line.IndexOf("[choice]")!=-1) {
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf ("[choice]");
//Ok! Let's isolate its string
line = line.Substring(initialBracket+8);
//Add it to the last question found
if (questions.Count > 0) {
questions [questions.Count - 1].choices.Add (line);
return true;
} else {
Debug.LogWarning ("Found a [choice] in the text but there was no [question=x] in a line before it");
return false;
#region speed
private string LookForSpeed(string line){
//check if the user have some speed changes and the line asks for one
if ((line.IndexOf("[speed=")!=-1 && line.IndexOf("]",line.IndexOf("[speed="))!= -1) || line.IndexOf ("[/speed]") != -1) {
bool thereAreSpeedsLeft = true;
//There is at least one sprite in this line! Let's check if our UI uses the correct script
//repeat as long as we find a sprite
while (thereAreSpeedsLeft) {
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf ("[speed=");
int closingBracket = line.IndexOf ("[/speed]");
int finalBracket = -1;
if (initialBracket != -1) {
finalBracket = line.IndexOf ("]", initialBracket);
//There still are any '[speed=' and it is before a ']'?
if (initialBracket < finalBracket || closingBracket != -1) {
//Ok, new speed chang around! Let's get its number
int speedNum = 0;
//it was a opening [speed=
if (closingBracket == -1 || (initialBracket < closingBracket && initialBracket != -1 && finalBracket != -1 && initialBracket < finalBracket)) {
//Check if the number was a valid int
if (int.TryParse (line.Substring (initialBracket + 7, finalBracket - (initialBracket + 7)), out speedNum)) {
//Neat, we definely have a speed with a valid number. Time to keep track of it
RPGTalkSpeed newSpeed = new RPGTalkSpeed ();
newSpeed.speed = Mathf.Abs(speedNum);
//subtract from the speed position any rpgtalk tag that might have come before it
newSpeed.speedPosition = initialBracket - RPGTalkHelper.CountRPGTalkTagCharacters (line.Substring (0, initialBracket));
newSpeed.lineWithSpeed = rpgtalkElements.Count;
speeds.Add (newSpeed);
//Looking good! We found out that a speed should be there and we are already keeping track of it
//But now we should remove the [speed=X] from the line.
line = line.Substring (0, initialBracket) +
line.Substring (finalBracket + 1);
} else {
Debug.LogWarning ("Found a [speed=x] variable in the text but something is wrong with it. Check The spelling.");
thereAreSpeedsLeft = false;
} else {
//it was a closgin [/speed]
RPGTalkSpeed newSpeed = new RPGTalkSpeed ();
newSpeed.speed = 0;
//subtract from the speed position any rpgtalk tag that might have come before it
newSpeed.speedPosition = closingBracket - RPGTalkHelper.CountRPGTalkTagCharacters (line.Substring (0, closingBracket));
newSpeed.lineWithSpeed = rpgtalkElements.Count;
speeds.Add (newSpeed);
line = line.Substring (0, closingBracket) +
line.Substring (closingBracket + 8);
} else {
thereAreSpeedsLeft = false;
return line;
#region richtext
private string LookForRichTexts(string line){
//If you had any sprites added to your line... I'm sorry, you need to enable Rich Text
if (spritesUsed.Count > 0) {
//check for any rich text (only it is marked as so on the UI element)
if (textUI.RichText() && line.IndexOf('<') != -1)
bool thereIsRichTextLeft = true;
//repeat for as long as we find a tag
while (thereIsRichTextLeft) {
int inicialBracket = line.IndexOf ('<');
int finalBracket = line.IndexOf ('>');
//Here comes the tricky part... First check if there are any '<' before a '>'
if (inicialBracket < finalBracket) {
//Ok, there is! It should be a tag. But first let's check if it isn't a closing one
//This could happen because the text was automatically clipped with word wrap to fit the UI
if (line.Substring (inicialBracket + 1, 1) == "/") {
//Oh! It is a closing tag! Who would say?
//If there wasn't some unclosed tags in some other line in this talk, it was just a mistake.
if (unclosedTags.Count == 0) {
thereIsRichTextLeft = false;
//Let's check the openned tags in previous lines.
for (int i = unclosedTags.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
line = unclosedTags [i] + line;
//After that... Let's reset the unclosed tags, shall we? No infinity loops wanted
unclosedTags = new List();
//Cool, we openned the tags... Let's try this search again
inicialBracket = line.IndexOf ('<');
finalBracket = line.IndexOf ('>');
//Ok, we got an openning tag. Let's found out the name of it
int endOfTag = line.IndexOf (' ', inicialBracket);
//Let's check if the tag ends (>) before a ' ' is found
if (finalBracket < endOfTag || endOfTag == -1) {
endOfTag = finalBracket;
//Now let's check if there was an '=' before the '>' or ' '.
int equalSign = line.IndexOf ('=', inicialBracket);
if (equalSign < endOfTag && equalSign != -1) {
endOfTag = equalSign;
string tagName = line.Substring (inicialBracket + 1, endOfTag - inicialBracket - 1);
//Good! We know the tag name. Now let's find its closing point
string closedTag = "" + tagName + '>';
int closedTagLine = line.IndexOf (closedTag, finalBracket);
if(closedTagLine == -1){
//Well would you look at that... We found a tag, but not its closing point ()... What to do?
//This could have happened because the text was automatically clipped with word wrap to fit the UI,
//Or you just forgot to put a somewhere...
//Anyway, we will forcelly add the closing tag at the end of the line
//And keep track of it, so if the tag is closed in another line, we know how it started
//But we don't want to add it if it is a "sprite" tag from TMP
if (tagName == "sprite")
closedTag = "";
closedTagLine = finalBracket +1;
line += closedTag;
unclosedTags.Add(line.Substring(inicialBracket, finalBracket - inicialBracket + 1));
closedTagLine = line.IndexOf(closedTag, finalBracket);
//Ok, we found (or forcelly added) the closing tag, there is definely a rich text here.
//Let's add it to a list so we can read later on.
RPGTalkRichText newRichText = new RPGTalkRichText();
newRichText.initialTagPosition = inicialBracket;
newRichText.initialTag = line.Substring (inicialBracket, finalBracket-inicialBracket+1);
newRichText.finalTagPosition = closedTagLine;
newRichText.finalTag = closedTag;
//Make sure that the the rich text only work for that next line to be added to RpgTalkElements
newRichText.lineWithTheRichText = rpgtalkElements.Count;
richText.Add (newRichText);
//Good! Now finaly, remove it from the original text
string textWithoutRichText = line.Substring (0, inicialBracket);
textWithoutRichText += line.Substring (finalBracket + 1, closedTagLine - finalBracket - 1);
textWithoutRichText += line.Substring (closedTagLine + closedTag.Length);
line = textWithoutRichText;
} else {
thereIsRichTextLeft = false;
return line;
return line;
#region expressions
private string LookForExpression(string line, bool returnLine = false)
//check if the user have some expression and the line asks for one
if (line.IndexOf("[expression=") != -1 && line.IndexOf("]") != -1)
//We do have one!
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf("[expression=");
int finalBracket = -1;
if (initialBracket != -1)
finalBracket = line.IndexOf("]", initialBracket);
//There still are any '[expression=' and it is before a ']'?
if (initialBracket < finalBracket)
if (line.Substring(initialBracket + 12, finalBracket - (initialBracket + 12)).Length > 0)
if (returnLine)
return line.Substring(0, initialBracket) +
line.Substring(finalBracket + 1);
return line.Substring(initialBracket + 12, finalBracket - (initialBracket + 12));
Debug.LogWarning("Found a [expression=x] variable in the text but something is wrong with it. Check The spelling");
if (returnLine)
return line;
return "";
Expression IsExpressing(RpgtalkElement element)
foreach(RPGTalkCharacterSettings character in characters)
if(character.character.dialoger == element.originalSpeakerName)
foreach(Expression expression in character.character.expressions)
if( == element.expression)
//if we have to change a photo, let's change it already
if(shouldUsePhotos && UIPhoto != null)
UIPhoto.sprite =;
//if we have a default audio for this expression, let's play it too
if( != null)
if(rpgAudioSorce == null)
return expression;
Debug.LogError("An expression was used in your TXT, but that expression wasn't found on the character talking");
return null;
return null;
#region NewTalkTag
private string LookForNewTalk(string line)
changeToBreak = "";
changeToStart = "";
//check if the user have some newtalk and the line asks for one
if (line.IndexOf("[newtalk") != -1 && line.IndexOf("]") != -1)
//We do have one!
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf("[newtalk");
int finalBracket = -1;
if (initialBracket != -1)
finalBracket = line.IndexOf("]", initialBracket);
//There still are any '[newtalk' and it is before a ']'?
if (initialBracket < finalBracket)
//Everything fine until now. Now let's check the start and break variables
int indexOfStart = line.IndexOf("start=", initialBracket + 8);
int endOfStart = line.IndexOf(" ", indexOfStart);
if(endOfStart == -1)
endOfStart = line.IndexOf("]", indexOfStart);
int indexOfBreak = line.IndexOf("break=", initialBracket + 8);
int endOfBreak = line.IndexOf(" ", indexOfBreak);
if (endOfBreak == -1)
endOfBreak = line.IndexOf("]", indexOfBreak);
if (indexOfStart != -1 && indexOfBreak != -1 && endOfBreak != -1 && endOfStart != -1)
string newLineToStart = line.Substring(indexOfStart + 6, endOfStart - (indexOfStart + 6));
string newLineToBreak = line.Substring(indexOfBreak + 6, endOfBreak - (indexOfBreak + 6));
if (newLineToStart.Length > 0 && newLineToBreak.Length > 0)
changeToStart = newLineToStart;
changeToBreak = newLineToBreak;
return line.Substring(0, initialBracket) +
line.Substring(finalBracket + 1);
Debug.LogWarning("There was a problem in your start=x or break=y. Check The spelling");
Debug.LogWarning("Found a [newtalk] variable in the text but it didn't had start=x or break=y. Check The spelling");
return line;
#region Save
private bool LookForSave(string line)
//check if the user have some newtalk and the line asks for one
if (line.IndexOf("[save") != -1 && line.IndexOf("]") != -1)
//We do have one!
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf("[save");
int finalBracket = -1;
if (initialBracket != -1)
finalBracket = line.IndexOf("]", initialBracket);
//There still are any '[save' and it is before a ']'?
if (initialBracket < finalBracket)
//Everything fine until now. Now let's check the start and break variables
int indexOfStart = line.IndexOf("start=", initialBracket + 5);
int endOfStart = line.IndexOf(" ", indexOfStart);
if (endOfStart == -1)
endOfStart = line.IndexOf("]", indexOfStart);
int indexOfBreak = line.IndexOf("break=", initialBracket + 5);
int endOfBreak = line.IndexOf(" ", indexOfBreak);
if (endOfBreak == -1)
endOfBreak = line.IndexOf("]", indexOfBreak);
int indexOfSavedData = line.IndexOf("data=", initialBracket + 5);
int endOfSavedData = line.IndexOf(" ", indexOfSavedData);
if (endOfSavedData == -1)
endOfSavedData = line.IndexOf("]", indexOfSavedData);
int indexOfModifier = line.IndexOf("mod=", initialBracket + 5);
int endOfModifier = line.IndexOf(" ", indexOfModifier);
if (endOfModifier == -1)
endOfModifier = line.IndexOf("]", indexOfModifier);
if (indexOfStart != -1 && indexOfBreak != -1 && endOfBreak != -1 && endOfStart != -1
&& indexOfSavedData != -1 && endOfSavedData != -1 && indexOfModifier != -1 && endOfModifier != -1)
string newLineToStart = line.Substring(indexOfStart + 6, endOfStart - (indexOfStart + 6));
string newLineToBreak = line.Substring(indexOfBreak + 6, endOfBreak - (indexOfBreak + 6));
string newSavedData = line.Substring(indexOfSavedData + 5, endOfSavedData - (indexOfSavedData + 5));
string newModfier = line.Substring(indexOfModifier + 4, endOfModifier - (indexOfModifier + 4));
int intModifier;
if (newLineToStart.Length > 0 && newLineToBreak.Length > 0 && newSavedData.Length > 0 && int.TryParse(newModfier, out intModifier))
saves.Add(new RPGtalkSaveStatement());
saves[saves.Count - 1].lineToStart = newLineToStart;
saves[saves.Count - 1].lineToBreak = newLineToBreak;
saves[saves.Count - 1].savedData = newSavedData;
saves[saves.Count - 1].modifier = intModifier;
return true;
Debug.LogWarning("There was a problem in your save variables. Check The spelling");
Debug.LogWarning("Found a [save] variable in the text but it didn't had a variable. Check The spelling");
return false;
#region jitter
private string LookForJitter(string line)
//check if the user have some jitter and the line asks for one
if ((line.IndexOf("[jitter=") != -1 && line.IndexOf("]", line.IndexOf("[jitter=")) != -1))
bool thereAreJittersLeft = true;
//repeat as long as we find a jitter
while (thereAreJittersLeft)
int initialBracket = line.IndexOf("[jitter=");
int finalBracket = -1;
int endOfJitter = -1;
int spaceInJitter = -1;
if (initialBracket != -1)
finalBracket = line.IndexOf("]", initialBracket);
spaceInJitter = line.IndexOf(" ", initialBracket);
if (finalBracket != -1)
endOfJitter = line.IndexOf("[/jitter]", finalBracket);
//There still are any '[jitter=' and it is before a ']'?
if (initialBracket < finalBracket)
if (endOfJitter == -1)
Debug.LogError("A [jitter] tag was found. But not a [/jitter] !");
return line;
//Ok, new jitter chang around! Let's get its number
float jitterNum = 0;
int finalJitterNum = finalBracket;
if(spaceInJitter != -1 && spaceInJitter < finalBracket)
finalJitterNum = spaceInJitter;
//Check if the number was a valid float
if (float.TryParse(line.Substring(initialBracket + 8, finalJitterNum - (initialBracket + 8)), out jitterNum))
//Neat, we definely have a jitter with a valid number. Time to keep track of it
RPGTalkJitter newJitter = new RPGTalkJitter();
newJitter.jitter = Mathf.Abs(jitterNum);
//subtract from the jitter position any rpgtalk tag that might have come before it
newJitter.jitterPosition = initialBracket - RPGTalkHelper.CountRPGTalkTagCharacters(line.Substring(0, initialBracket));
newJitter.lineWithJitter = rpgtalkElements.Count;
//ok, looking good! Now, we want to check if we have an angle set in this jitter tag.
int anglePos = line.IndexOf("angle=", initialBracket);
float angle = 1;
if(anglePos != -1)
if (float.TryParse(line.Substring(anglePos + 6, finalBracket - (anglePos + 6)), out angle))
newJitter.angle = angle;
Debug.LogWarning("Found a angle in a [jitter] variable but something is wrong with it. Check The spelling.");
thereAreJittersLeft = false;
//let's look for the number of characters that should recieve the jitter
newJitter.numberOfCharacters = endOfJitter - (finalBracket + 1);
//Looking good! We found out that a jitter should be there and we are already keeping track of it
//But now we should remove the [jitter=X] from the line.
line = line.Substring(0, initialBracket) +
line.Substring(finalBracket + 1, endOfJitter - (finalBracket + 1)) +
Debug.LogWarning("Found a [jitter=x] variable in the text but something is wrong with it. Check The spelling.");
thereAreJittersLeft = false;
thereAreJittersLeft = false;
return line;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//We don't want to do nothing if the text isn't even showing
if (!textUIObj.activeInHierarchy) {
if (textUI!= null && textUI.Enabled() &&
currentChar >= rpgtalkElements [cutscenePosition - 1].dialogText.Length) {
//if we hit the end of the talk, but we should stay on screen, return.
//but if we have a callback, he can click on it once more.
if (cutscenePosition >= rpgtalkElements.Count && shouldStayOnScreen) {
if(lookForClick && (
(passWithMouse && Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) ||
(passWithInputButton != "" && Input.GetButtonDown(passWithInputButton)) || (passWithKey != KeyCode.None && Input.GetKeyDown(passWithKey))
//if have an audio... playit
if (passAudio != null && !rpgAudioSorce.isPlaying) {
rpgAudioSorce.clip = passAudio;
rpgAudioSorce.Play ();
if(callback.GetPersistentEventCount() > 0){
lookForClick = false;
//Let's call the endtalk methods
if (OnEndTalk != null)
//if we reached the end of the line and click on the screen...
if (
enablePass && (
(passWithMouse && Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) ||
(passWithInputButton != "" && Input.GetButtonDown(passWithInputButton)) || (passWithKey != KeyCode.None && Input.GetKeyDown(passWithKey))
) ){//if have an audio... playit
if (passAudio != null) {
rpgAudioSorce.clip = passAudio;
rpgAudioSorce.Play ();
PlayNext ();
//if we're currently showing dialog, then start scrolling it
if(textUI.Enabled()) {
// if there's still text left to show
if(currentChar < rpgtalkElements[cutscenePosition - 1].dialogText.Length) {
//ensure that we don't accidentally blow past the end of the string
currentChar = Mathf.Min(currentChar + actualTextSpeed * Time.deltaTime,
rpgtalkElements[cutscenePosition - 1].dialogText.Length);
//Do what we have to do if the the text just ended
if(currentChar >= rpgtalkElements[cutscenePosition - 1].dialogText.Length){
//Get the current char and the text and put it into the U
PutRightTextToShow ();
if(enableQuickSkip == true &&
(passWithMouse && Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) ||
(passWithInputButton != "" && Input.GetButtonDown(passWithInputButton)) || (passWithKey != KeyCode.None && Input.GetKeyDown(passWithKey))
&& currentChar > 3)) {
currentChar = rpgtalkElements[cutscenePosition - 1].dialogText.Length;
PutRightTextToShow ();
//Do what we have to do if the the text just ended
//The text just ended to be written on the screen
void TextEnded(){
isAnimating = false;
//If we want the talk to auto pass... Auto pass it
if (autoPass)
Invoke("AutoPass", secondsAutoPass);
//call the event
if (OnEndAnimating != null)
//if we have an animator.. stop it
if (actualAnimator != null) {
actualAnimator.SetBool (animatorBooleanName, false);
//Check if this text was a question
if (questions.Count > 0) {
if (choicePrefab == null) {
Debug.LogError ("There was a question here, but no object was set in choicePrefab to be the answer");
foreach (RPGTalkQuestion q in questions) {
if(q.lineWithQuestion == cutscenePosition-1 && !q.alreadyHappen){
//This line was a question! Put the correct answers here
enablePass = false;
for (int i = 0; i < q.choices.Count; i++) {
GameObject newChoice = (GameObject)Instantiate (choicePrefab, choicesParent);
Button newChoiceBtn = newChoice.GetComponent