using UnityEngine;

public class Wiggler : MonoBehaviour
    public float wiggleAmount = 1f;         // Amount of wiggle (distance) from left to right
    public float wiggleSpeed = 1f;          // Speed of the wiggle

    private Vector2 startPosition;
    private float time;

    public GameObject _LevelManager1;
    private ButtonDOne script1;
    private bool einsAn = false;

    void Start()
        startPosition = transform.position;

    void Update()

        script1 = _LevelManager1.GetComponent<ButtonDOne>();

        einsAn = script1.einsAn; 


        // Calculate the horizontal position using a sine wave
        float xPosition = startPosition.x + Mathf.Sin(time * wiggleSpeed) * wiggleAmount;

        // Set the new position of the game object
        transform.position = new Vector2(xPosition, transform.position.y);

        // Increment the time variable based on the elapsed time
        time += Time.deltaTime;}