241 lines
6.6 KiB
241 lines
6.6 KiB
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using RPGTALK.Timeline;
public class RPGTalkCinematicBehaviour : PlayableBehaviour
//The variables of the RPGTalk that will be changed
public TextAsset txtToParse;
public string lineToStart = "1";
public string lineToBreak = "-1";
public float textSpeed = 50;
[Tooltip("Should the timeline be paused until the player finish the talk?")]
public bool pauseUntilTalkEnd;
RPGTalk m_TrackBinding;
bool m_FirstFrameHappened;
bool reachedFinal;
//Saving the defaults
TextAsset m_txtToParse;
string m_lineToStart = "1";
string m_lineToBreak = "-1";
float m_textSpeed = 50;
bool m_enableQuickSkip = true;
bool m_enablePass = true;
RPGTalkTimeline rpgTime;
public bool autoPass;
public float secondsAutoPass;
double[] startTime;
// Playable playableObj;
//Each frame of the behaviour
public override void ProcessFrame (Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
m_TrackBinding = playerData as RPGTalk;
if (!m_FirstFrameHappened) {
OnBehaviourPlay (playable, info);
//for now, we wont support spped changes into timeline
if(m_TrackBinding.actualTextSpeed != textSpeed){
m_TrackBinding.actualTextSpeed = textSpeed;
if(m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition > m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements.Count)
m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition = m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements.Count;
//The current character will be calculated based on the textspeed and the time of the playable
float currentChar = m_TrackBinding.actualTextSpeed * (float)(playable.GetTime() - startTime[m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition - 1] );
if (currentChar >= 0)
//only change it if there is something new to change and we are not paused
if (Mathf.Min(currentChar, m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements[m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition - 1].dialogText.Length)
!= m_TrackBinding.currentChar && (!rpgTime || !rpgTime.isPaused))
m_TrackBinding.currentChar = currentChar;
//if we are autopassing it
if (autoPass)
//If we still have more in that talk...
if (m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition < m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements.Count)
//If we passed the time that the last character on that cutscene should have been seen
if (playable.GetTime() >= startTime[m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition])
//If, for some reason, we are playing the timeline backwards...
if (m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition > 1 && playable.GetTime() < startTime[m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition - 1])
//If we reached the final, check if we should pause the timeline until the player finish the talk
if (playable.GetTime () >= playable.GetDuration () - (double)0.1) {
if (!reachedFinal) {
reachedFinal = true;
if (!rpgTime) {
Debug.LogError ("To use the option 'Pause Until Talk End' the RpgTalk must contain a RPGTalkTimeline Component");
} else {
rpgTime.Pause ();
} else {
reachedFinal = false;
public override void OnBehaviourPlay (Playable playable, FrameData info)
if (!m_TrackBinding)
if (!m_FirstFrameHappened)
//on the first frame, set the defaults to recover after
m_txtToParse = m_TrackBinding.txtToParse;
m_lineToBreak = m_TrackBinding.lineToBreak;
m_lineToStart = m_TrackBinding.lineToStart;
m_textSpeed = m_TrackBinding.textSpeed;
m_enableQuickSkip = m_TrackBinding.enableQuickSkip;
m_enablePass = m_TrackBinding.enablePass;
//change the rpgTalk parameters
if (txtToParse != null) {
m_TrackBinding.txtToParse = txtToParse;
//If we won't wait for player action to finish, only one line (line to start) will be allowed.
if (!pauseUntilTalkEnd) {
//If we didn't set neither pauseUntilTalkEnd or autoPass, then we can't have lineToBreak.
if (!autoPass) {
m_TrackBinding.lineToBreak = lineToStart;
m_TrackBinding.lineToBreak = lineToBreak;
m_TrackBinding.enablePass = false;
} else {
m_TrackBinding.enablePass = true;
m_TrackBinding.lineToBreak = lineToBreak;
m_TrackBinding.lineToStart = lineToStart;
m_TrackBinding.textSpeed = textSpeed;
m_TrackBinding.enableQuickSkip = false;
m_FirstFrameHappened = true;
m_TrackBinding.NewTalk ();
startTime = new double[m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements.Count];
for(int i = 0; i < m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements.Count; i++)
if(i == 0)
startTime[i] = 0;
startTime[i] = (m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements[i-1].dialogText.Length
/ m_TrackBinding.actualTextSpeed) + secondsAutoPass;
//Put an event for the end of the talk
m_TrackBinding.OnEndTalk += OnEndTalk;
if (m_TrackBinding.GetComponent<RPGTalkTimeline> ()) {
rpgTime = m_TrackBinding.GetComponent<RPGTalkTimeline> ();
// playableObj = playable;
public override void OnBehaviourPause (Playable playable, FrameData info)
if (!m_TrackBinding)
if (m_FirstFrameHappened) {
//Let's make everything go back to the defaults
ReturnDefaults ();
public override void OnGraphStop (Playable playable)
if (!m_TrackBinding)
if (m_FirstFrameHappened) {
//Let's make everything go back to the defaults
ReturnDefaults ();
void ReturnDefaults(){
m_TrackBinding.txtToParse = m_txtToParse;
m_TrackBinding.lineToBreak = m_lineToBreak;
m_TrackBinding.lineToStart = m_lineToStart;
m_TrackBinding.textSpeed = m_textSpeed;
m_TrackBinding.enableQuickSkip = m_enableQuickSkip;
m_TrackBinding.enablePass = m_enablePass;
m_FirstFrameHappened = false;
m_TrackBinding.OnEndTalk -= OnEndTalk;
rpgTime = null;
void OnEndTalk(){
//When a talk has finished, should we resume the timeline?
if (rpgTime) {
rpgTime.Resume ();